Monday, April 16, 2012

Braelyn 11 months

So hard to believe our baby girl is 11 months!  She surprises us every day with some little new trick!  This month she has taken her first steps - aaahh!!  They came out of nowhere and I don't even think she knew she took them.  She was standing, holding on to her box of Legos, then turned and took 4 steps to her walker.  It didn't even phase her, lol.  All last week she was taking sets of 2 or 3 steps here and there.  It was so exciting to see!!


Then, last week she came down with some really yucky virus :(  It started Saturday night and just got worse.  She was down and out for about 5 days.  She slept most of the days last week and wasn't eating very much.  I KNEW she was sick if she was sleeping and not eating - that is NOT my child!!   She was on breathing treatments 3-4 times a day and we started an antibiotic on Wednesday.  It was so hard seeing her not feeling well, but I loved all the cuddles and her sleeping on me during the day.  It is a great feeling to be the mommy and make her feel alllllll better :)  Finally, on Friday she started to come out of it and feel much better.  She is just about back to being 100%, but I can tell she is still recovering and getting rid of that congestion.

Braelyn's also has two teeth coming in now - FINALLY!  She loves being able to bit into things with those two teeth.  Cheese sticks and grapes have taken on a whole new level of interest!  She also loves to brush those two teeth.  She watches mommy and then tries to do it on her own - complete with rinsing the brush under the water.  It is tooo cute!

Braelyn loves dancing, eating, waving bye-bye, walking across the room to give hugs, playing tickle monster and chase.  She can sign the word "milk" and we are working on signing "more" and "all done." She giggles and giggles and giggles and it just warms my heart!!  She is at such a fun age right now - exhausting, but fun! :D

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